Sincerely, Brown Skin
Sincerely, Brown Skin
What About Me
Ever felt like life seems to be advancing for everyone but you? Like you've been pushed to the back of the line while others swiftly move forward? Join me on this episode of Sincerely, Brown Skin where I urge listeners to let go of their anxieties and questions of whys and surrender to trusting in the divine timing of their lives.
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Welcome to Sincerely Brown Skin, a podcast where I'm diving into the intimate areas of your life on all things relationships, personal growth and self-love. I'm your host, quen, and my goal each week is to provide you with a little advice, a spoonful of encouragement and a sincere reminder that, honey, you are a wonder, you are magical, you are worthy. And then some. Now let's get this quick slide, for goodness. Hey you guys, and welcome back to another episode of Sincerely Brown Skin. I have had women from all walks of life reach out to me sharing how they had been feeling forgotten when it came to certain situations in their lives, and, after listening to a previous episode where I spoke on rejection being a pain and an empowerment, they told me that they began to change how they responded to that rejection and made a conscious effort to keep it in a positive perspective, which is not by any means an easy feat. However, for them, it made life a little more peaceful, not stress free, but they had an understanding that their open door there, yes, was right around the corner. As always, I want to use my voice in the most effective way and speak some encouragement into yourselves today by answering that question that we all have from time to time. What about me? Allow me to paint the picture for you.
Speaker 1:You find yourself in a season of waiting, where your faith has been placed in anticipation of something significant. However, the passage of time has left you weary and frustrated, as it seems like nothing is moving, nothing is progressing, and, because you're simply human, you can't help but feel as though you've been pushed to the back of the line, while others around you are swiftly advancing in their lives. For instance, you've been earnestly praying for a spouse and your friend shares the news of her divine connection that she's had with someone, leaving you questioning why your prayers remain unanswered. Or perhaps a colleague at work has just secured the promotion you've been praying for, and you're torn between wanting to celebrate their success and also wondering when will your turn come. Each disappointment chipping away at your heart, accompanying by a sense of confusion that lingers in the forefront of your emotions, hear me when I say this Even when you are placed with uncertainty, it is important to hold on to what you do know.
Speaker 1:You know that God is good, loving and entirely on your side, orchestrating events according to his divine plan. You mustn't allow a single situation you can't comprehend to negate everything that you do know. In this waiting period, you must persevere, continue to worship, keep praying and remain steadfast in your faith. Is that enough to merely ask in faith? You must also continue to act in faith and, while you wait, trust that God is actively working behind the scenes, preparing you for that promotion, that spouse, that financial breakthrough, that healing, that resounding yes because, honey, I am here to tell you what's in store for you will surpass your wildest imagination, and that's a message to myself.
Speaker 1:I encourage you to surrender it all. Surrender the why, surrender the questions and, in the sincerest manner, stop comparing your journey to others around you, because if you constantly try to decipher the reasons behind every occurrence, you'll only grow better. If it's God's will for you to understand that, honey, he will provide clarity and due time, because some things are meant to be hidden for now. But to trust God, you must be mature enough to relinquish your need for all the answers and say, god, I don't require all of the answers because you are God and your ways are better than mine. So I challenge you to surround yourself by some faith filled people that can stay on in agreement with you on what you are believing God for. Are you ready to accept this challenge?
Speaker 1:Sincerely Brown Skin. Thank you so much, felicity to Sincerely Brown Skin. Make sure you share with your friend girls and hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss any of the conversation I would love to hear from you. So if you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave me a review. Thanks for stopping by and until next time. May everything that concerns you be covered in favor in your week ahead. Bye now.