Sincerely, Brown Skin

Me, Myself and I: Rewriting the Narrative of Loneliness

Quinn Episode 25

Ever felt a pang of loneliness or fear when finding yourself alone? Let's flip the narrative. I'm your host, Quinn, and on this week's Sincerely, Brown Skin, we dive headfirst into the often misunderstood concept of self-love, personal growth and the beauty of solitude. We disentangle the fears and falsehoods that our own thoughts feed us about being alone. In the process, we reveal the importance of being content within oneself. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Sincerely Brown Skin, a podcast where I'm diving into the intimate areas of your life on all things relationships, personal growth and self-love. I'm your host, quen, and my goal each week is to provide you with a little advice, a spoonful of encouragement and a sincere reminder that, honey, you are a wonder, you are magical, you are worthy. And then some. Now let's get this quick slide, for goodness. Hey you guys, and welcome back to a new week with Sincerely Brown Skin. You know I was speaking with someone earlier this week and we briefly touched on the topic of finding one's voice, and something that came to my mind was that, in order for an individual to find their voice, they have to place themselves in a position where they are choosing themselves and not being afraid of self. No matter the tricks that their mind may try to play on them, no matter their lies that their thoughts are trying to sway them with, they are intentionally choosing self. So that brings me to the topic that I want to speak to you guys today, on Me myself, and I, you know, believing that spending time alone with your thoughts as torture is based on unfounded notions. How else can you truly listen to your inner voice or the messages that God may be trying to send your way. If you're constantly surrounding yourself with others, whether that is in a romantic relationship or not, you know it can be a little detrimental, because it prevents your mind from finding the rest and the space that it needs. You might argue I'm afraid to be alone because you know my mind becomes idle and it's just lonely. However, this fear reflects a deeper issue, and this issue is just a discomfort with your own company, likely stemming from a lack of self-contipment. Now, I understand this may be difficult to accept, but please hear me out. This mentality often arises from feelings of deprivation and insecurity and a lack of independence, which can lead to an unhealthy relationship dynamic. You don't need anyone or anything to validate or complete yourself. Is enough. Fall in love with yourself and be your own best friend. This involves taking care of your mental health and well-being and learning how to approach yourself always from a place of love and appreciation rather than criticism.

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Listen to this If you find the strength to invest so much energy in focusing on your shortcomings, why not redirect that energy towards believing in the magnificence and the strength that flows within you? Why not prioritize yourself? For once, you have the capacity to rediscover the art of loving yourself unconditionally. While it may not be a simple task, it is entirely achievable. When you embrace self-love without conditions, flaws and alls, you become resilient against external influences that may be attempting to dictate your life.

Speaker 1:

I gotta tell ya, I hang with myself a lot. I know that may sound crazy at first listen, but it's true. Being in my own company has allowed me to find out who I am again. I come alive. I am more aware of my triggers, my lights, my dislikes, my fears, my motives, my needs, desires and aspirations. It has allowed me to be more intentional. I know what I want and I also know what holds me back. I have conversations with myself and no, it's not in terms of answering myself back you know I haven't gone that far in real life but it's more so speaking affirmations and declarations.

Speaker 1:

Over my life I've spent time exploring new experiences and opportunities. I have intentionally placed myself first, and in return, I have found happiness within me myself and I I'm not depending on anyone else for that happiness, and it feels good. I want a life full of love, and it starts with not trying to find it in someone else, but finding love within myself first, and then love and everything around me and, on the same note, understanding that it is okay to be alone because there is power in rediscovering your own voice again when you are sitting face to face with yourself, not being afraid of you. That, my friend, is called transformation. Sincerely Brown Skin. Thank you so much Felicity to Sincerely Brown Skin. Make sure you share with your friend girls and hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss any of the conversation I would love to hear from you. So if you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave me a review. Thanks for stopping by and until next time, may everything that concerns you be covered in favor in your week ahead. Bye, y'all.