Sincerely, Brown Skin

Embracing Eve: Breaking Cycles and Cultivating Personal Growth

Quinn Episode 29

Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on your choices and wondered how they shaped the person you are today? Sincerely, Brown Skin invites you on a journey of self-reflection, where we navigate the tricky terrain of personal growth and self-love. We’ll kick off with a thought-provoking analogy starring Eve, whose fateful decision led to hardships for humanity. But instead of focusing on her error, we’ll use her story to highlight our shared human tendency towards lapses in judgment and how we can overcome them.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Sincerely Brown Skin, a podcast where I'm diving into the intimate areas of your life on all things relationships, personal growth and self-love. I'm your host, quen, and my goal each week is to provide you with a little advice, a spoonful of encouragement and a sincere reminder that, honey, you are a wonder, you are magical, you are worthy. And then some. Now let's get this quick slide for goodness. Hey you guys, and welcome to another weekly slice of goodness with Sincerely Brown Skin podcast. Today, I want to speak to you on the topic of not being defined by the choices that we make, and I could not think of a better way than to start off with talking about Eve. Eve and I we have a love and hate relationship. Eve has never met me before in her life, but I know Eve. I know her well, through and through, and when I tell you that, that woman there has irked my nerves at many a time just thinking about her, she just couldn't do right. If it wasn't for Eve, we wouldn't have to worry about the pain of childbirth or have to endure cycles every month. There will be no such thing as diseases and sicknesses. We will be living long days on this earth looking good hair flowing, skin glowing, just living off of the land, the land of the, eaten, as a matter of fact, with no worries and just pure peace. I really do believe that if it wasn't for Eve and her waywardness, every woman would just be so sure of their value and their worth and wouldn't be looking to any man for reassurance. Eve just had to go over there and eat that red apple because of curiosity, because of a tempting voice that made her steer left instead of right. But you know what? We've all been in her shoes before. We've all had a moment when we have fallen short of that rule of no better and do better right, but for whatever reason, unknowingly and sometimes knowingly, choosing that path as furthest from the goals that we have internally set for ourselves. Yet Eve, she has been shamed for doing the same thing that we all do on a day to day basis, which is experiencing lapse in judgment, because that's what humans do, and we tend to forget that Eve was human as well.

Speaker 1:

You know, we encounter countless chances to make decisions that are in harmony with our well-being and principles. However, there are countless times when we experience a little wavering, leading us to choose actions that impede our advancement rather than further it. For example, you're at the grocery store making a few groceries and you know the amount that you have allows you to be in the 10 or less line. But you see this person in front of you with that big, regular sized basket with more than 10 items and you want to tell them every bit about themselves. As a matter of fact, you are already thinking all sorts of worldly things about the stranger. Even more so if you're like me. You're probably on the phone with your friend girl speaking in cold about that person in front of you with a smile on your face. Or, like we talked about last week, maybe you're holding onto pains of someone who did you wrong and whenever you see them doing something good or getting ahead in life, you want to throw out one of those. He's stealing nothing because he did EFG while we were at swine zing Sounds familiar.

Speaker 1:

You see, allowing yourself to surrender to those temptations instead of doing what we know is right. When we do that, we are choosing to live a life that is full of dependencies and self-reproach and relationships that should have never happened and stress and void just stuff that causes so much unnecessary gray hairs and fine lines. And believe you me, I know not giving into those temptations is definitely easier said than done. Am I right or am I wrong? It's not a hop and skip in the park. But if we're talking about growing and progressing and doing better once we know better, and not being held bound by those experiences, you have to have the courage to do some self reflection and point out those areas in your life where you find yourself trapped in a repetitive cycle that leads you to disappointments and pains that may have you feeling like Eve in those moments, like I should not have did that, I should not have said that, I should not have even thought that I should not have had a lapse in judgment that have caused so many consequences Y'all. All it takes is a change in pattern that can alter your life entirely. No longer do you have to hide in the shadows of that shame, guilt and disappointments, because there is so much more greatness in store for you Now. That is something to look forward to.

Speaker 1:

Sincerely Brown Skin. Thank you so much for listening to Sincerely Brown Skin. Make sure you share with your friend girls and hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss any of the conversation. I would love to hear from you. So if you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave me a review. Thanks for stopping by, and until next time, may everything that concerns you be covered in favor in your week ahead. Bye, y'all.