Sincerely, Brown Skin
Sincerely, Brown Skin
Harvesting Happiness in the Dance of Love
Have you ever found yourself in a relationship, crossing your fingers and toes, hoping that it would bloom into forever? That's exactly where we're guiding your hearts in our latest episode of Sincerely, Brown Skin. I, Quinn, am here to take you through a journey of love, self-discovery, and the kind of soul-nourishing advice that can only come from someone who's watched love grow for over 40 years—just like my parents. Brace yourself for a conversation that's as tender as it is empowering, where I'll share some essential ingredients for a love that's not just enduring but joyfully alive.
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Welcome to Sincerely Brown Skin, a podcast where I'm diving into the intimate areas of your life, on all things relationships, personal growth and self-love. I'm your host, quen, and my goal each week is to provide you with a little advice, a spoonful of encouragement and a sincere reminder that, honey, you are a wonder, you are magical, you are worthy. And then some. Now let's get this quick slide, for goodness. If you are in a relationship, you want it to last, you want it to be successful, you want to do whatever it takes because you love that person and you fight for what you love, right? Although this is no easy feat, it takes work on both sides, an equal amount of work too. Both people have to be committed to doing their best always. Of course, your best will depend on whether one is feeling physically tired or revitalized. It will depend on how you're feeling emotionally. Your best will change over time, but always make it a priority to do and be your best. Speaking from my own personal experiences, speaking from observation of my parents who have been married for over 40 years, and speaking from conversations with close friends, I believe there are some things that we can do that can keep that love alive and make it last by giving it our best try. Number one love yourself first. You got to learn to accept all of you. You must believe that you are a magnificent human being. You may have some imperfections, but that's okay, because we all do and we all make mistakes. No one is perfect but Jesus. What you can learn to do with your mistakes is learn from them, accept them and even be grateful for them, because they have helped form the person that you are today.
Speaker 1:Number two fall in love when you are ready and not when you are lonely. Being alone is not the same as being lonely. When you are able to be alone in your own company, you are then able to find yourself loving yourself and appreciate yourself. There is not a need for anything else to complete you. Number three if you are in a relationship, be honest with your partner from day one of your relationship. Doing this builds trust that gets you through life's ups and downs, both big and small. Number four we've all heard the saying never go to bed angry. The same concept goes towards disagreements. Do not allow a disagreement between the two of you to turn into an argument. Learn to listen, discuss and come to a resolution. Take a minute to think before you speak, something that will be appreciated on both ends. Speaking of listening sometimes listening, that is all that is warranted A listen and not a fit. You have to learn how to decipher those moments.
Speaker 1:Number six consider giving your partner what they like rather than what you want them to like. In order for you to excel at this, you have to have a solid foundation of communication. Never result to making assumptions. Number seven give them room to grow. This is a pick one. Let them experiment and change course, or even fail, because both of you are going to grow as time pass.
Speaker 1:You are not going to be the exact same person you are when you first met, and that is okay. What we must understand as compatibility doesn't mean that you are both the same. There's going to be some yin and yang. It just means that you have a great deal of things in common. Just remember to always blend your strengths and your weaknesses. Number eight this is a fun one.
Speaker 1:Continue to have date nights, no matter how many years you guys have been together. If your schedule won't allow it often, well, consider taking a few minutes or an hour to enjoy each other's company. Take a nap together, read a chapter of a book together, go for a quick walk together, cook together, put your phones on, do not disturb for like 15 to 20 minutes and just talk to each other. It doesn't take much, y'all. And last but not least, but most importantly, always choose words that embody love when you speak and approach your thoughts with gentleness and understanding. Sincerely Brown Skin. Thank you so much. Felicity to Sincerely Brown Skin. Make sure you share with your friend girls and hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss any of the conversation. I would love to hear from you, so if you enjoyed the show, be sure to leave me a review. Thanks for stopping by, and until next time, may everything that concerns you be covered in favor in your week ahead. Bye, y'all.